the WHY…
I started mowing lawns…
…as a chore like most kids, but I actually really enjoyed it; being outside, getting my hands dirty, and being proud of the work I just accomplished. In high school, I mowed around 30 lawns a week with my dad during the summer. Being unsure of what I wanted to do when I grew up (besides the dream of playing in the NBA), I always had in the back of my mind that I could start my own lawn care business and maybe do it alongside my own kids some day.
Part of my story is that I also felt a call to pastoral ministry. After receiving my Master of Divinity from Nazarene Theological Seminary I served as a pastor for over 10 years in Kansas, New Mexico, and then back in Kansas. It’s a long story as to why I’m no longer in pastoral ministry, but I like to think that doing lawn care and working in the “field” and serving customers is an extension of true ministry. I really enjoy getting to know my lawn care customers and meeting their lawn and landscape needs. Even the name Creation Care is significant as I believe God has called us to steward this place we’ve been given. I am always being mindful of the practices and services I offer. I’m definitely not perfect when it comes to being 100% envrionmentally friendly, but it’s something I am striving for.
I started Creation Care in the Spring of 2019. At this point I have two employees and I look forward to continue to grow and expand my business. I don’t have aspirations of being super large. I like to work in the field and have a relationship with each customer.